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The IMF remains 'ready' to help Greece if requested

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The IMF remains 'ready' to help Greece if requested
The Managing Director of International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, said today that the financial institution "stands ready to help Greece if asked to do so."

In a one paragraph statement released today, a day after the referendum in Greece, Lagarde said the international financial organization "monitoring the situation closely."

"The IMF has taken note of the referendum held yesterday in Greece. We monitor the situation closely and remain ready to help Greece if asked to do so," explains the director of the IMF in its brief statement.

Yesterday, the Greeks supported with a large majority not to conditions demanded by European creditors and partners in exchange for a new aid package.

The victory puts no negotiations of Greece with the IMF and European authorities in a new situation, in which creditors are more difficult to get the required reforms are implemented and the possibility of Greece leaving the euro zone remains .

The IMF has participated, together with the European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Commission (EC) in bailout programs for Greece and has been the main driver of conditions and reforms to restructure Greek debt.

The Government of the Greek prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, has not kept good channels of dialogue with the IMF, an institution that has been designated as responsible for imposing unacceptable austerity measures by the Greek people.

After several rescue programs in exchange for reforms, the Government of Tsipras has especially hit by the exigencies make cuts in the Greek pension system.

Given its difficult financial situation, Athens last week did not pay the IMF a maturity of 1,600 million euros, which was the largest default of an advanced with the institution headed by Christine Lagarde country.

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  • 97255 07.07.15

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    Статья "The IMF remains 'ready' to help Greece if requested", опубликованная 07.июл.2015 00:43, находится в категории ТВ-передачи и сериалы онлайн и имеет рейтинг 3 (по 5 бальной шкале) и более 5782 просмотров.